- SANGO advanced MWD ultra low seat to floor height from just 39cm ideal is ideal for getting under tables, drive your apadtive WAV (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle) can be used for either indoor or outdoor use.
Specialist seating - options are endless with a great selection of pressure reliefing cushions and backrestComfort is incredibly important! That is why the SANGO is fitted with the SEGO seating system, which provides excellent support for the torso, head, arms and legs.
Control solutions
Basic or expandable, LED and LCD disply
Specialist driving controls
Dietz Power SANGO Mid Wheel Drive Powerchair
SANGO advanced MWD Offers the following....
- Ultra low seat to floor height
- Powered seating functions
- Choice of different speed settings
- Specialist seating
- Easy interface of many options
- Control solutions
- Basic or expandable, LED and LCD disply
- Specialist controls
The possabilites are endless, we can custom build your powerchair to fit you and your lifestle.