Help & Support Services
List of charities that support disabled people in the Lancaster, Morecambe and throughout the UK. Here are a few organisations you may find helpful:
If you know of an organisation that's not listed, don't be shy share with us!
1. Disability Equality North West Based in Lancashire, this charity works to promote equality, inclusion, and independence for disabled people through various projects, services, and campaigns.
2. Bendrigg Trust Located in Cumbria, Bendrigg Trust provides inclusive adventure activities and residential experiences for disabled and disadvantaged individuals, aiming to enhance their quality of life.
3. Sight Advice South Lakes This local charity in South Cumbria offers a range of services and support to people with sight loss, including information, advice, and practical assistance.
4. Unique Kidz and Co Operating in Lancashire, Unique Kidz and Co is a charity that provides support, activities, and inclusive play opportunities for disabled children and young people, as well as offering respite for their families.
5. Cumbria Deaf Association This charity provides support, advice, and services to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in Cumbria, helping them to overcome barriers and promote inclusion.
6. Scope Scope is a leading charity that supports disabled people throughout the UK, aiming to create a society where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else.
7. Mencap Mencap is a charity that works with people with learning disabilities and their families, providing support, services, and campaigning for equal rights.
8. RNIB The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is a charity that supports people with sight loss, offering practical and emotional support, as well as campaigns for equal rights and accessibility.
9. Leonard Cheshire Leonard Cheshire is a charity that supports disabled individuals to live, learn, and work as independently as they choose, through a wide range of services and campaigns.
10. Disability Rights UK Disability Rights UK is a charity that promotes the rights and equality of disabled people, providing information, advice, and campaigns for positive change.
11. Action on Hearing Loss Formerly known as RNID, Action on Hearing Loss is a charity supporting people with hearing loss through services, campaigns, and research.
12. Access to Work Access to Work: factsheet for customers - GOV.UK ( is a publicly funded employment support programme that aims to help more disabled people start or stay in work. It can provide practical and financial support if you have a disability or physical or mental health condition.
An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help you:
start working
stay in work
move into self-employment or start a business
The grant is not for business start-up costs.
How much you get depends on your circumstances. The money does not have to be paid back and will not affect your other benefits.
These are just a few examples, and there are many more wonderful charities out there. I hope this information helps, and if you need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask!